Salina’s Pain Management
Your pain experience is unique, and every person responds differently to treatment. For these reasons, we provide a range of medical, and therapeutic options for your pain management.
Treatment Options
Our physicians are dedicated to providing non-narcotic, comprehensive pain relief.
Our team of world-class specialists will help you find the treatment most suited to your pain level.
Take the step to relieve your pain today by booking an appointment and providing us with the necessary information to get started.
Contact Us
Anesthesia Associates of Central Kansas, Salina Pain Clinic and our Physicians do not have any agreements with outside Medical Supply vendors to solicit or offer direct sales to our patients. Such items could include but are not limited to: medical equipment, steroids, or other medical supplies.
Pain has many causes, and finding the cause of your pain is your key to effective pain management.
Your pain experience is unique, and every person responds differently to treatment. For these reasons, we provide a range of medical, therapeutic and pharmacological options for your pain management.
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